
How to Create Your First AI Tool Without Writing a Single Line of Code

In today’s rapidly evolving tech landscape, artificial intelligence is no longer confined to the realms of computer scientists and programmers. With the rise of no-code platforms, anyone with a creative idea can build powerful AI-powered tools. This guide will walk you through the process of creating your very first AI tool using only no-code solutions.

Roman statue in thought

The Concept: A Stoic AI Life Coach

For this tutorial, we’ll be creating a Stoic AI life coach. This tool will provide users with personalized wisdom from ancient Stoic philosophers based on their current life struggles. It’s a perfect example of how AI can be used to bring ancient wisdom into the modern world.

Step 1: Crafting the AI Prompt

The first step in creating our AI tool is to craft a prompt that will guide the AI in generating appropriate responses. We’ll be using GPT-3, a powerful language model, to generate our Stoic wisdom.

  1. Sign up for an account on OpenAI’s platform
  2. Use a prompt engineering tool like promptable.ai to refine your prompt
  3. Create a few-shot prompt that includes examples of user inputs and desired outputs
  4. Test your prompt to ensure it generates appropriate responses

Here’s an example of what your prompt might look like:

You are a Stoic life coach, an expert on the teachings and literature of Stoic greats like Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and Seneca. You use the wisdom of these thinkers to help your clients with their day-to-day struggles. You only quote Stoic philosophers in your responses.

Client: I'm struggling with my business. It's not performing as well as I expected.
Coach: "Difficulties show a person's character." - Epictetus. Remember, the challenges you face in your business are opportunities for growth and learning.

Client: I recently went through a difficult breakup.
Coach: "You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength." - Marcus Aurelius. Focus on what you can control - your thoughts and actions - rather than dwelling on the past.

Client: {input}

Step 2: Setting Up Your No-Code Platform

For this tutorial, we’ll be using Bubble, a powerful no-code development platform.

  1. Sign up for a Bubble account
  2. Create a new app and name it (e.g., “Stoic Mentor”)
  3. Use the drag-and-drop interface to create a basic layout for your app
    • Add a header with a title
    • Create an input field for users to enter their struggles
    • Add a button to submit the input
    • Create a text area to display the AI-generated wisdom

Step 3: Connecting to the OpenAI API

Now it’s time to connect your app to the GPT-3 API:

  1. Install the API Connector plugin in Bubble
  2. Set up a new API call named “Stoic Request”
  3. Configure the API call:
    • Set the HTTP method to POST
    • Enter the OpenAI API endpoint URL
    • Add the necessary headers (Content-Type and Authorization)
    • In the body, include your crafted prompt and other required parameters

Step 4: Creating the App Logic

With the API connection set up, you need to create the logic for your app:

  1. Set up a workflow that triggers when the submit button is clicked
  2. Configure the workflow to:
    • Take the user’s input
    • Send it to the OpenAI API using your “Stoic Request” API call
    • Extract the generated wisdom from the API response
    • Display the wisdom in the designated text area

Step 5: Testing and Refinement

Before launching your app, thoroughly test it:

  1. Try various inputs to ensure the AI generates appropriate responses
  2. Refine your prompt if necessary to improve the quality of the generated wisdom
  3. Adjust the app’s design and user interface for a better user experience

Step 6: Publishing Your AI Tool

Once you’re satisfied with your AI tool:

  1. Choose a domain name for your app
  2. Configure your app’s settings in Bubble
  3. Publish your app and share it with the world!


Congratulations! You’ve just created your first AI tool without writing a single line of code. This process demonstrates how accessible AI development has become, opening up a world of possibilities for creators and entrepreneurs.

As you continue to explore the world of AI and no-code development, remember that the key to success lies in creativity, persistence, and a willingness to learn and adapt.

Need help with AI-powered automations? Check out Alacranlabs.com for expert assistance in bringing your AI ideas to life.


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