Automated AI Sales System

Imagine this: You’re walking down a busy street, juggling shopping bags and a half-eaten snack. Your phone buzzes with a notification – a new lead has just filled out your online form. Within minutes, without you lifting a finger, that lead receives a personalized email with a custom subject line and an AI-generated voice message that sounds just like you. Sound like science fiction? It’s not. This is the power of an automated AI sales system, and I’m going to show you how to build one.

The Components of Our AI Sales System

  1. Lead capture form
  2. AI-powered email generator
  3. Dynamic subject line creator
  4. Text-to-speech voice message generator
  5. Automated email draft creation

Let’s break down each component and see how they work together to create a seamless, personalized outreach experience.

1. Lead Capture Form

We’ll start with a simple form to gather information from potential clients. You can use any form builder you like, but make sure it can integrate with your automation platform. The form should collect:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Description of their goals or “dream outcome”
  • Current challenges or obstacles
  • Budget range

2. AI-Powered Email Generator

Once the form is submitted, we’ll use an AI language model to generate a personalized email. This email will:

  • Address the lead by name
  • Reference their specific goals and challenges
  • Provide relevant information based on their budget
  • Include a call-to-action (in our case, booking a discovery call)

To do this, we’ll create a prompt for the AI that includes:

  • The lead’s information from the form
  • Details about your business and services
  • Guidelines for email structure and tone

3. Dynamic Subject Line Creator

A great email is useless if it’s never opened. That’s where our dynamic subject line creator comes in. We’ll use another AI prompt to generate a subject line that:

  • Includes the lead’s name
  • References their specific goal
  • Creates curiosity or urgency

4. Text-to-Speech Voice Message Generator

To add a personal touch, we’ll create an AI-generated voice message. This involves:

  • Converting the email content into a more conversational script
  • Using a text-to-speech service to generate an audio file
  • Adjusting voice parameters for a natural sound

5. Automated Email Draft Creation

Finally, we’ll put it all together in an email draft:

  • Use the generated email content as the body
  • Insert the dynamic subject line
  • Attach the AI-generated voice message

Setting Up the Automation

To make this system work, you’ll need an automation platform. There are many options available, but for this tutorial, we’ll use Make (formerly Integromat) as it’s user-friendly and offers a free plan to get started.

Here’s a high-level overview of the automation flow:

  1. Trigger: New form submission
  2. Action: Generate personalized email content
  3. Action: Create dynamic subject line
  4. Action: Generate voice message
  5. Action: Create email draft in Gmail

Each of these steps will involve connecting to different services (your form provider, AI language model, text-to-speech service, and Gmail) and passing data between them.

Customizing for Your Business

While this system is powerful out of the box, the real magic happens when you customize it for your specific business:

  • Tailor the AI prompts to reflect your brand voice and offerings
  • Adjust the email content based on different budget ranges or client needs
  • Create multiple versions for different products or services

Ethical Considerations

It’s important to use this technology responsibly:

  • Be transparent about the use of AI in your communications
  • Ensure all generated content is accurate and aligned with your brand
  • Respect data privacy laws and best practices

Getting Started

Building this system might seem daunting, but with the right tools, it’s quite achievable. If you’re ready to dive in, I recommend starting with They offer a free plan that’s perfect for testing out this kind of automation.

Sign up for here

With a bit of setup and experimentation, you’ll be on your way to creating a powerful, personalized outreach system that can dramatically improve your sales process.

Remember, the key to success with this system is continual refinement. Monitor your results, gather feedback, and keep improving your prompts and processes. Happy automating!

If you need help setting this up or want to explore more advanced automations, check out Alacran Labs for expert assistance.

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